Best Surf Spots In Israel

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In most people’s minds, the words “surfing” and “Israel” do not often – if at all – pair together. However, this Mediterranean country has a thriving surf scene with a history dating back as far as the 1950s. With roughly 120 miles of coastline on offer with consistent surfing opportunities, Israel has more to offer the surfing world than many realize.  

Surfing in Israel might not regularly make surfing headlines or be considered much of a top surfing destination; however, surfing the Mediterranean Sea offers more of a thrilling experience than you would expect. Consistent waves and pleasantly warm waters make Israel a great surfing destination.

There are thousands of people who make plans to visit and explore the nation of Israel every year. However, most of those people are typically not visiting Israel for a surfing experience. Besides all of the beauty and historical significance of this nation, discover why Israel could be an excellent option for your next surfing adventure.

Surfing In Israel

For many people, it comes as quite the surprise that Israel has a thriving surfing scene – or a surf scene at all, for that matter. However, Israel was first introduced to surfing back in the 1950s, which, interestingly enough, pre-dates the arrival of surfing in Europe. Indeed, surfing has made much more of a mark in Israel than many people know.

Israel’s waves are the perfect fit for beginner and advanced surfers alike, and thanks to the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, you will be able to enjoy a surfing experience throughout the year. The waves might not be the best in the world; however, when the conditions are right, Israel’s surf could easily give the top spots a run for their money. 

Local Israeli surfers are some of the most grateful surfers out there. They are known to get excited at any waves that grace their shores. A good swell in Israel can often be short-lived, so the locals have learned to act fast. The local surfers are also some of the friendliest out there, so you won’t have to worry about localism like you would in parts of America. 

Israel is also a fantastic place to learn how to surf. The popular beaches are well equipped with top-quality surfing lessons. And thanks to the beginner-friendly waves that can be found, Israel makes surfing a possibility for all people. Overall, surfing in Israel promises to be a wonderful experience for surfers of all skills and experience levels. 

When To Go Surfing In Israel

Any seasoned surfer knows that factors like the weather and the overall time of year play a significant role in the kind of surfing experience you can expect. Some parts of the year are better suited to more experienced surfers, while others might be better suited to beginners. Ultimately, it is good to know which time of year will be best for you.

Thankfully, as previously mentioned, Israel is surfable throughout the year, thanks to the consistency and warmth of the Mediterranean Sea. However, certain parts of the year, namely the summer and winter seasons, offer a very different experience that any visiting surfer should be aware of. 

The summer months are great for surfing in Israel. This time of year, the weather is excellent, the water is warmest (at roughly 84 degrees Fahrenheit), and the waves are far more consistent than you would expect. The wave heights during the summer range between one and a half to three feet high, making them ideal for beginner and intermediate surfers.

For the more experienced surfers out there, you might want to schedule your visit to Israel for the winter months. Though the waters of the Mediterranean Sea might not be as warm (roughly 57 degrees Fahrenheit), the waves are undoubtedly more thrilling. Israel’s waves during the winter months reach heights of approximately ten feet tall – the perfect size for an adrenaline rush.

The Best Surf Spots In Israel

Israel might not have an abundance of surf spots compared to some of the other top surfing destinations; however, the places it does have offer an excellent experience, nonetheless. From novice to a pro-level surfer, Israel has more than enough on offer.

Let us help you plan your Mediterranean surfing trip by showing you some of the best surf spots that Israel has for you to enjoy.

Hilton Beach

Starting with arguably the most popular surf spot in Israel, Hilton Beach in Tel Aviv is undoubtedly a surfing hotspot among the locals. Hilton Beach offers surfers the traditionally unusual experience of surfing right by the city instead of a beach town, like the majority of surf spots around the world. This is an excellent surf spot not to be missed.

The waves at Hilton Beach are known to break to the right and left, providing one of Israel’s best surfing experiences. When the overall conditions are at their best, you can expect wave heights of up to seven feet. Both beginner and more experienced surfers will be able to enjoy the fun at Hilton Beach.

Sokolov Beach

To enlarge the appeal to the highly experienced surfers out there, Sokolov Beach is home to Israel’s top performance waves. This spot is undoubtedly only suitable for those with a good few years of surfing behind them. 

The waves at Sokolov Beach are known to be fast and powerful, reaching average heights of roughly seven feet. This is also the chosen destination for one of Israel’s local surfing competitions, which is testimony to the quality of the waves found here.

Maravi Beach

The last spot on our list – but by no means the last that Israel has to offer – is Maravi Beach. Often referred to as Manta Ray Beach, this spot is loved by the local Israeli surfers, especially since it typically sees great waves even when other spots are looking too impressive. 

Consistency is what makes Maravi Beach a surfing hotspot, and the best part is that surfers of any skill level will be able to enjoy this spot. 


Israel undoubtedly deserves more attention than it gets from a surfing point of view. Sure, it might not be Hawaii or Southern California, but Israel has a great surfing experience available to those who are willing to give it a try. Great weather and warm water are all the more reasons to pay Israel a visit. Get ready for a Mediterranean surfing adventure!